Tag Archives: Florida Church Attorneys
Teaching Church Law at Southeastern University
Had a great time teaching Church Law to over 50 Ministerial Seniors at Southeastern University. A shout-out to Dean Alan Ehler, DMin for inviting me back to speak. Thank you to all the students. It was fun!
FEMA Assistance Available to Churches
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on January 2, 2018 that private nonprofit houses of worship are now eligible for disaster assistance as community centers, without regard to their secular or religious nature. These changes are effective for disasters declared on or after August 23, 2017 and for applications for assistance that were… Read More »
2018 Parsonage and Housing Allowance Reminder
Dear Clients and Friends, Now that we are in December allow me remind you, if you have not done so already, to have your Board or Congregation approve 2018 parsonage and housing allowances. Remember they must be in writing and in advance of the calendar year. They cannot be retroactive only prospective. Failure to… Read More »
Teaching Church Law to Ordination Candidates
Had a great time teaching Church Law, Finance and Administration to the Ordination Candidates of the Peninsular Florida District Council of the Assemblies of God. The locations were Sarasota, Deland, Kissimmee and Key West. Thank you to all the District School of Ministry students!
US Attorney General on Protecting Religious Liberty
Dear Clients and Friends, On October 6th the Attorney General of the United States the Honorable Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum to governmental agencies and departments on Religious Liberties. It is a most interesting read. The memorandum was issued pursuant to President Trump’s Executive Order No. 13798 (May 4, 2017), which directed the Attorney… Read More »
Housing Allowance Struck Down Again
Dear Clients and Friends, On October 6th a federal judge in Wisconsin has struck down as unconstitutional the Housing Allowance. Expect an appeal. If the Court of Appeals accepts the case it could rule on the actual underlying issue of whether the clergy housing exclusion is constitutional. Then off to the Supreme Court. I… Read More »
New Ad Announcement
I am excited to announce a new ad has gone out.
Contribution Statement Reminder for Church Treasurers and Administrators
Church Treasurers and Administrators are busy this time of year preparing their general annual contribution statements for 2016. Please remember to add the following phrase: “No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution, other than intangible religious benefits.” Failure to do so may result in the church donor not being able… Read More »