Category Archives: Church Documents
Churches and Submersibles
Dear Clients and Friends, It has been reported the passengers aboard the OceanGate’s Titan submersible signed waivers understanding the risk of injury or death before the trip. But those waivers may not protect the company. Waivers may work in cases of “simple negligence”, but they may not hold up if there is “gross negligence”… Read More »
2022 Contribution Report
Dear Clients and Friends, Pastors, treasurers and bookkeepers are busy this month preparing their contribution statements for 2022. You want to include checks, cash, money orders and credit card payments. Also, do not forget those donations made online! I suggest including the name and address of the church and add the following phrase: “No… Read More »
Florida Law Requires Certain Records be Available in Church Office
Dear Clients and Friends: Here is an important reminder. Florida law states you must maintain certain documents in your church office for review and copying. Do you know which documents are required? If not, here they are: 617.1601 (5) Corporate records.- “A corporation shall keep a copy of the following records: (a) Its articles… Read More »
Florida Law Requires Certain Records be Available in Church Office
Dear Clients and Friends: Florida law states you must maintain certain documents in your church office for review and copying. Do you know which documents are required? If not, here they are: 617.1601 (5) Corporate records.- “A corporation shall keep a copy of the following records: (a) Its articles of incorporation or restated articles of… Read More »
Record Keeping Reminder
It never ceases to amaze me how as church leaders we have a tendency to keep closets full of old church items but fail to maintain critical legal and business records. On several occasions, I found my self asking a church client if they have a certain record only to discover it has either… Read More »