Category Archives: Church Business Administrator
Florida Law Requires Certain Records be Available in Church Office
Dear Clients and Friends: Florida law states you must maintain certain documents in your church office for review and copying. Do you know which documents are required? If not, here they are: 617.1601 (5) Corporate records.- “A corporation shall keep a copy of the following records: (a) Its articles of incorporation or restated articles of… Read More »
Important Reminder: Renewing Your Not for Profit/Church Corporation
Please be on the look out for the annual Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations reminder to renew your not for profit/church corporation. They are being emailed now. This is very important because it verifies the leadership of the entity. Failure to do so may result in “Administrative Dissolution” of your corporation. To… Read More »
Certified Church Business Administrator
I am excited to announce on July 6, 2017 The Church Network renewed my credentials as a Certified Church Administrator. Continuing with these credentials and educational requirements allows me to be current in church business administration trends which in turn helps me serve you.