Hurricane Michael Assistance Information for Churches
Many of our fellow churches are hurting and can use donations and governmental help. Regarding institutional help, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that private nonprofit houses of worship are now eligible for disaster assistance as community centers, without regard to their secular or religious nature.
FEMA provides financial assistance, through its Public Assistance Program, to certain private nonprofit (PNP) organizations for the repair or replacement of facilities damaged or destroyed by a major disaster.
To be an eligible applicant, a house of worship must:
- Be owned or operated by a PNP organization.
- Have damage or costs caused directly by Hurricane Michael.
- Be open to the general public.
- For Permanent Work like repairs, the PNP may not have received funding or had insufficient funding after applying for a U.S. Small Business Administration disaster loan.
- Provide a current ruling letter from the IRS granting tax exemption under Section 501 (c) (d) or (e) of the IRS Code of 1954 or be registered with the Florida Division of Corporations as an active charitable organization.
Here is an Excel Spreadsheet of support contact information.
Jackie and I hope this helps you. Feel free to forward this email to any church or nonprofit who may be helped with this important information.
We continue praying for all those affected by this terrible storm!